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'Leuven 2008'
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news - 03/08/2008
Leuven 2008  -  Belgium

dogs breeders dog pictures by Karl Donvil
Lovanium Trophy 2008 Prestigious shows are often famous and attract not only exhibitors from far over the borders of the country, but are also visited more frequently by spectators. Unfortunately not every area has halls available to organize such shows. Clubs are forced to keep closer to the main program of a regular show and drop demonstrations and side contests. Of course this affects the number of spectators. But due to the restrictions of the infrastructure, more attention and money can go to other things. The Leuvense Hondenvereniging that organizes their yearly Lovanium show in the Brabant halls in Leuven is in such a situation. The Brabant halls are large, have plenty of Parking, but have not enough halls to have a separate main ring.

This means that it is one of the quiet shows, no loud music during the day and not overcrowded by visitors. The Lovanium Trophy is CAC show and such shows have less international attention unless it has something special to offer. This is the case in Leuven. Not only cups are offered to the winners, but podium places are rewarded by spectacular useful prizes in kind like hairdryers, Microwaves and for every Best of Group a dryer. The club is not searching to fill its account, but decided to redistribute its profit to the exhibitors. The result is there, 1238 dogs were entered, which is very close to many CACIB shows. But this is not the only reason for the success of this show. This show is known amongst owners of group 6 dogs (Scenthounds and hounds) and the composition of the judges was very well balanced, better then could be expected for a CAC show. 12 Judges were invited and only 4 of them were Belgians. This is more the ratio that can be expected for a CACIB show. This is more then OK.

Most judges had a good average number of dogs to judge each day. Highest score went to Mrs.De Gryze from Belgium. She only judged on Saturday but had 84 entries, all Papillons, Chihuahua’s and the Cavalier King Charles Spaniels. Mrs.Liliane Deridder had 138 dogs over the two days and Mrs.Rita Reyniers had 141. Mrs.Opara Krystyna from Poland had 120 and her husband Mr.Opara Janusz had 126. Mrs.Natasa Davidovic from Serbia had 92 while her husband Mr.Nenad Davidovic had 131. Mrs.Smojver from Croatia had 145 entries over both days and her husband Mr.Igor Selimovic had the highest score with 151. He was asked to judge the Best In Show. Good dogs always use to rank high and are seen often in the main ring as BOB. A good judge recognizes the qualities of a good dog, but as a Best In Show judge it is often splitting hairs when so many good dogs line up in front of him. His 1th, 2nd and 3th dog were all three dogs that belong to the best in Belgium. His 3th place went to the Weimaraner “Nobiskrug Playing Allegro” owned by Lenaerts Edwin & Kristina. Mrs.Natasa Davidovic judged this dog and send him to the main ring where she judged him again and made him Best of Group. Reserve Best in Show went to the Papillon” Queen Bless JP Royal Connection” owned by Roosens-Abeloos-Devos. This dog was judged by Mrs.De Gryze and made Group Winner by Mrs.Liliane Deridder. Best in Show went to the imperturbable Clumber Spaniel Clussexx “Chane Encounter” owned by Counotte-Devree Jan & Danielle. He was judged earlier that day by Mr.P.Beyersdorf from Germany and promoted to group winner by Mr.Theo Leenen from Belgium.

Just before he should judge Best In Show, Mr.Selimovic said to me that he already knew who he would make his Best In show, but didn’t want to give me a name or a breed. He was obviously impressed by Chane when he saw him during the group judging. Indeed he is a well balanced dog and an excellent example of Clumber Spaniel. But besides that Chane is one of those dogs who force you to look at him and impossible to ignore.

Next year the Lovanium Trophy celebrates its 20th edition with a CACIB and will be much later in the year, 24 and 25 October to be exact. I wonder what the prizes for the groupwinners will be then? You too?

Text and photos: Karl DONVIL

Results: Paula DICTUS and Lovanium

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