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'Mechelen 2007'
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nouvelles - 18/08/2007
Mechelen 2007  -  Belgique

chien éleveurs chiens photos par Karl Donvil
Mechelen 2007, start of a new career? After an alarming drop down of the entries for this yearly show in the huge and impressing Neckerhall of Mechelen, the numbers rose again wit hno less then 25%, or from 1093 up again to 1300. This show grants an international title (CACIB) and compared to the show of Leuven that only gives a National Title (CAC) the Sint Rombouts Cup should only be at the start of a new career.

With a new committee, it seems that this show is growing in status again. The question is if it will continue? This show has lots of advantages and capacities and therefore must take maximum profit out of it. There is the Neckerhall, huge, bright, spacious, parking facilities, easy accessible and well known for its yearly international indoor jumping. Now hardly half of the area is used for the dog show. Mechelen is also very near to Antwerp, close to one of our most important highways, close to Holland and not even far from France and Germany.

Although the timing was this year a less tight, I think that some shows can be rescheduled so that the shows are more evenly spread during the year. Mechelen is at the end of the long summer row and just before the famous and big show of Luxemburg. We must think about how expensive such a summer can be for a family and at the end of the holidays we all are more selective in what we do and how we spent our time and the money that is left over.

And lets not forget that inviting judges from abroad is automatically more expensive in the high season as flight tickets and hotels are more expensive and bargains hard to find.

And there is also all those past difficult years with probably very few profits.

17 Judges were invited of which 9 were Belgians and 4 from The Netherlands. A judge should averagely have 70 to 80 dogs to judge or around 150 dogs over the weekend to be cost-effective if from abroad. It seems that still a lot can be done to achieve this, but we must admit that this takes time and experience. It is certainly not easy to compose a list of judges.

I only want to say that I have good hope that Mechelen will become more unsuccessful and get a minimum of 1500 dogs and more. Another 200 extra entries must be possible.

The show itself was well organized, with lots of trade stands, a nice main ring, some entertainment and lot of space around the big rings. I really hope for the committee that this year is the beginning of a new successful era.

Best scoring judges were mrs.De Ridder from Belgium with 145 dags over the weekend, 105 on Sunday only. Her score was equaled by Mr. Rojo Fajardo Antonio from Spain who had 102 dogs on Saturday. Mr.Seamus Oates from Ireland had 102 dogs in total and Bas Bosch from The Netherlands ended up with 100 dogs. A good score too for Mrs. Mjelde Eva from from Norway who had 82 dogs on Saturday, all Retrievers. Mr.Pollet from Belgium only judged on Sunday and ended up with 74. He was invited to judge all breeds from Group 5 except for the Chow Chows. He is most respected for his scientific approach and deep knowledge on dogs and was granted the honor of judging BIS. He chose the whippet “Fiefourniek’s Vacation in Paris” owned by Knudsen Liese-Lotte and Leif from Denmark. This dog was made best of breed by Mr.Oates Seamus and best of group by Mr. Antonio Rojo Fajardo. Runner-up was the Yorkshire Terrier “Qoccle’s Oliver Lightsome” from Mrs.Pollini from Italy. He was the choice of Mrs.De Ridder for Best of Breed and Mr.De Wilde made him Best of Group. All group winners of Saturday needed to come back on Sunday for Best In Show and all were present. Not the only the quality of these winners was outstanding, but the quality of the dogs overall was very good.

I hope that this Danish and Italian win will make the sound of the Saint Rombouts Cup be heard far over our borders and bring a massive number of entries next year on 23 and 24 august. Foreign visitors could combine the show with a holiday in Belgium as Mechelen has a lot to offer and is only minutes away from Brussels and Antwerp.

For more information on the show visit http://www.kvsr.be.

Text and photos: Karl DONVIL

Results: KVSR and www.dogshowslonline.be

English Nederlands