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'Raduno CIRN 2006'
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news - 21/01/2006
Raduno CIRN 2006  -  Italy

dogs breeders dog pictures by Costanza Ferraris
The sun shines again on the club of the CIRN (Club Italiano Razze Nordiche). This club takes care to the Nordic breeds as Alaskan Malamute, Siberian Husky, Norbottenspets, Lapinkoira… and to Japanese breeds as the Akita Inu, Shiba Inu, Hokkaido… Not all these breeds are present in Italy as the Jämthund.

At the end of the 20th century the CIRN became very important because of the popularity of a few breeds like the Siberian Husky and the Samoyed. A few years ago there was a division inside the club. A few people tried to create a club for the Alaskan Malamute (CIAM) and others tried to found one for the Siberian Husky (CIS). For a few months the owners of these two breeds did not know exactly what was happening and what they had to do in the future. At the end of this conflict the CIRN became again the club of the Samoyed and of the Siberian Husky. The family was again unified.

If the sun was present for the show the cold wind was also there to remind that the winter was there. If the owners were almost “frozen” by the low temperature the dogs were really happy by this climate and presented a wonderful coat.

For this Specialty the club had invited three judges. Mrs Maria Grazia Miglietta, Mr Paolo Dondina and Mrs Nina Schaefer Charles (USA). There were five breeds with a total of 135 entries. In the last years the popularity of the Siberian Husky and of the Samoyed has decreased and so also the number of entries has done the same.

The most numerous were the Siberian Husky, judged by Mrs Nina Schaefer Charles. She was very impressed by the level of this breed. Most of the puppies were “Very Promising” and this is a good future for this breed. Best male and DCAC was Thenew Castelnew Millenium, best female and BOB and CAC was Modesty Blaze della Vanisella.

The Alaskan Malamute have been judged by Paolo Dondina who assigned the BOB to the male Giving-A-New-Royal-Stars-de Jungla Negra. This male is born in Spain but his sir is a BISS Italian dog (Royal Star del Biagio). Giving is an Italian, Spanish and International Champion. Best bitch was the American new imported Alaskan Malamute, Snowlion’s Crystal Mountain. She also won the BCAC. The DCAC has been assigned to Remember Me Kuma del Biagio. In Italy the CAC (in these breeds) is assigned in the open class.

Paolo Dondina also judged the Samoyed. Best of Breed was the champion White History del Baffin. Best bitch and BCAC was The Wonderful Lady degli Alti Castagni. DCAC was Nanook di Casa Kaly.

Less popular are the Japanese breeds. Mrs Maria Grazia Miglietta judged the Akita Inu. The BOB was Yoshimitsu-Go. He is twice Club champion, International and Italian champion. The DCC was Kajitsu No Ikiyoshimitsu-Go and the BCC was Kajitsu No Fujiko-Go. All these subjects are bred and belong to the same kennel Kajitsu-Go. It has also won with another subject the BIS during the world Japanese breed show that took place during the World dog show in Amsterdam a few years ago. The Shiba Inu present in this show all belonged to the kennel del Biagio. BOB was the European 2005, International and Italian champion, Nariaki Go del Biagio. BCAC was Akira del Biagio. There was no male in open class so the judge assigned no DCAC.

During the year the club organised different specialty according to the number of puppies born in the previous years. This year there are planned four specialties (speciali) and two meetings (raduni). The Husky are more numerous and so there is one specialty more. Once a year there is a meeting where the club gives to the best young subjects the title of “Campione Sociale”. The title is given to each best young subject for each breed. The owner must be a member of the club and be in order with the membership-card. This year the titles have been assigned to Kiko del Biagio (Shiba Inu – b), Kajitzu No Miyage Go (Akita Inu – m), Royal Star White del Baffin (Samoyed – m) and Askasoan (Alaskan Malamute – f). Young BIS, judged by Nina Schaefer Charles, was the Samoyed.

For the adult the title is assigned at the end of the year according to the score that they have reached going to the shows organised by the club. Mrs Nina assigned BIS to the Akita, Yoshimitsu-Go, telling that she has never seen such a wonderful head with the right proportions and expression. The Siberian Husky was second and third the Shiba Inu.

Akita Inu BOB BIS

Yoshimitsu-Go (champ - m)

Owner: Kajitsu No (I)

Judge: Maria Grazia Miglietta (I)

Siberian BOB RBIS

Modesty Blaze della Vanisella (Open - b)

Owner: della Vanisella (I)

Judge: Nina Schaefer Charles (USA)

Shiba Inu BOB 3BIS

Nariaki Go del Biagio (champ - m)

Owner: del Biagio (I)

Judge: Maria Grazia Miglietta (I)

Samoiedo BOB 4BIS

White History del Baffin (champ - m)

Owner: Giuseppe Saccani (I)

Judge: Paolo Dondina (I)

Alaskan Malamute BOB 5BIS

Ginving-A-New-Royal-Stars-de Julgla Negra (Champ - m)

Owner: del Biagio (I)

Judge: Paolo Dondina (I)

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